How to do SEO positioning from scratch

You will have used Google thousands of times, I suppose… Yahoo may be, MSN / Bing and several others that work very similarly from time to time. Actually, they all have one thing in common: they are search engines that people use to find websites. Search engines help users find pages on a certain topic. What they basically do is index pages and blogs in their databases, and then list them in their results in an order of relevance in relation to the search criteria. This is exactly why they become fabulous allies in your battle to attract good visitors. Surely you have heard a very fashionable acronym and also something controversial on the Internet: SEO, Search Engine Optimization or web positioning.

There is a lot of information about it, but none really intended for technophobic entrepreneurs and users. Users who do not get along with technology precisely and to whom words like web positioning, search engine marketing, search engine positioning, SEO On Page, SEO Off Page, link building or PNB sound Chinese.

Are you part of this group? Do you want to learn SEO from scratch even if you have no idea how Google works?

No problem, check out a beginner's SEO guide. seo training in bangladesh

NOTICE: I am not an SEO consultant, but my website receives more than 100,000 visits from Google every month as far as I know. This guide is not intended to be the definitive SEO manual in Spanish, but rather a guide for those who want to get started with the topic and don't know how to start. If it were a book, this would be "SEO for dummies" or "SEO for dummies"

How do Google and the rest of the search engines work?

The algorithms that the search engines use are kept under seven keys so that nobody knows exactly how they work. It is clear that it is their greatest treasure and that they will not make it easy for you to make your search engine marketing strategy work the first time.

Why so much zeal? To avoid spam.

Spam is a cursed word for them because it works by distorting relevance, something sacred for a search engine. If people launch a search, they will want to get relevant results, because if they don't satisfy you, they will quickly go to another search engine.

Currently, it is known exactly what are the most important web positioning factors. Based on testing and experimentation, people understand how the hell the search engines act.

But it should not be forgotten that the famous algorithm that search engines use to present results can change overnight without asking us. And as a consequence, it can have astounding effects on search results for anyone. Maybe you could have managed to become number one within quite popular search criteria, but suddenly, tomorrow you are in position 30.

With this, I want to tell you that the results in the search engines are not guaranteed at all. As much as you spend hours and hours on optimization, reading another and another tutorial to learn SEO and everything that has been written about SEO positioning in Google ... you may not achieve anything.
Be clear that the top ten (the first page of results) is coveted by all and that you should try to position yourself as well as possible in the search engines.

And why is that Top 10 so coveted? For this:
ctr google the first page

ctr google statistics

This graph indicates that, of the 100% of searches that are made in Google, 94.41% of people only open the results of the first page. And now we are not only talking about the Top 10 but if you are not in the Top 5, you will practically be invisible because not even 10% of the number 5 results when you search for something on Google.

As you can see, people are very selective when it comes to searching, and, except in very exceptional cases, they will search the first 5 pages of Google.

People love to search.

Hence the appeal of Google, which is the great door to the information one is looking for. Goodbye to those days when you had to wander through libraries, deal with dust, go through the pages of a book, one after another in search of valuable information.

It seems distant, but not so long ago it was so.
Now people want information instantly, in their hands, very fast. Accurate. And it achieves it thanks to the excellent results that Google delivers in seconds. So people choose it.
The searches come in all sizes, formats, and colors, but the search activity itself can be classified into three main categories.

Content: when you are looking for news, videos, forums, blogs, etc.

Comparative: you look for reviews, product and price comparison and the like

Buy: you want to buy something.

The search terms that a user enters in Google already tell us a lot about what they are trying to find and fundamentally about what they have in mind. Then many users will refine their searches, generally adding more terms to the one already carried out, in order to further cut the results, with destinations that are really relevant to them. These searches of more than 2-3 terms are called, in the SEO world, as long tail or long tail. To give you an idea, I'll give you an example of a "normal" search and a long tail:

Standard search: soccer jersey.

Long-tail search: buy soccer jersey in Madrid.

Learning the difference between these two types of searches will help you on your way to position your blog or website and learn how to do SEO.


Because normally, if you know how to find them, long-tail searches are easier for a position in Google. In other words, it 's easier for you to show up for a long-tail search or SEO for a long tail than for a general one. Therefore, in your SEO strategy for bloggers, it is normal to attack long-tail or long-tail searches at first and then short tails or main ones.

An example of search activity during a purchase cycle

If in front of the computer we have a consumer determined to buy something through the web, he will surely be in one of these three marked stages: the research phase (what kind of product am I looking for?), The price comparison phase and products (where can I buy the product?), or the purchase phase (I know what I want, now give it to me!).

Research phase: the phrase you enter in the search engine would be, for example, " digital photography", in order to decide on a product or a list of candidates.

Product and price comparison phase: the search could be “ digital camera offers” if the customer were interested in the products of that firm.

Purchase phase: the search will be much more specific, given that the client has perfectly decided what he wants, so he would enter, for example, " sony Cybershot t10 black".

What is search engine marketing

Search engine marketing is the technique to use search engines like Google to attract visitors to our blog.

And there are two ways to achieve it:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): aims to gain positioning in natural listings, or as they are also often called organic listings. They are none other than the results that appear in the left column of the page. There is no cost to you when someone clicks on those results, but in return, SEO requires a lot of patience, spending time, and being willing to wait.

Advertising or Payment Searches (SEM): These "sponsored links" are basically results over which the advertiser has control. Companies hire to place their ads on search results pages that match what they are offering. These links are usually on the right and top of the page. And if you are the advertiser, you must pay each time someone clicks on them, although the good thing is that you define in advance how much you are willing to pay. And the results basically act as an auction, bringing up those who offer to pay the most.

The truth is that search engine marketing is vital for any business, even if it doesn't have an online sales platform. And I clarify that there are no exceptions to this rule: everyone must have a search strategy. Despite the obviousness of all this, there are still companies that do not pay attention to these issues, nor the popularity of search engines such as Google mainly and Yahoo or Bing second.

Search engines allow you to reach your customers just when they are "looking" for something specific. Hence, it is an advertising modality of the highest precision in terms of segmentation, which provides excellent results. Search engines are tremendously popular and are the most widely used tool on the entire Internet. And within them, the most popular of all, which is undoubtedly Google, has become a gateway to the markets.

Google generates multimillion-dollar profits to the companies that it has indexed in its results in those first positions. And Google users are surely your potential customers if they are not your current customers.

You already know that, if your company does not appear on the first page of the organic results, perhaps you should analyze the possibility of "scaling" through paid platforms such as Google Adwords or learn how to do real SEO.

But don't panic. If you are new to all of this there is no need to panic as it is no science. You just have to decide to start. For that, I just try to help you from this blog, so that you understand the opportunity you have and take advantage of some tips.

How to do SEO positioning from scratch How to do SEO positioning from scratch Reviewed by ahmhasan on May 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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