Driving is one of the most important aspects of our modern society. Obligations such as schooling, errands, emergencies or other events require a quick trip between two points. This makes having a driver's license a necessity to exist in today's fast-moving world. All that is needed to observe this fact is a simple look in the direction of a road during a busy workday. Millions of people drive every day. Distracted driving is a general term. Basically, it describes how to perform a task while driving that exceeds the operation of the vehicle by making it the secondary task. The most common form of distracted driving involves the use of smartphones. Whether talking on the phone, playing a game, taking a picture, all this constitutes a distracted way of driving. If you look at the statistics, an amazing 50% of drivers have admitted to texting while behind the wheel.
It is more than a little worrying to know that a large number of drivers in your immediate neighborhood send text messages while driving. Even those we consider as safe drivers. Of course, distracted driving does not end with the use of smartphones. There are many other ways to lose sight of the road.
Manual distractions: use of cell phones, makeup, meals, basically anything that requires you to take your hands off the wheel while driving.
Visual distractions: any object outside your vehicle that takes your eyes off the road, such as a car accident or a sale in a supermarket.
Cognitive distractions: whatever moves you out of the way, be it emotions, wandering thoughts or stress from other areas of your life. you can get a private car service in London here airport transfer London
According to the California DMV, 65% of all nearby accidents occur due to some kind of distraction. Of course, that is just to assume that you are lucky enough to reach the time to stop. Any distracted driver can find himself crashing at full speed in the back of the car in front of them. Car accidents only go from bad to worse. If you are lucky, then both parties remain unharmed and leave with only property damage and legal fees. This does not even consider the possibility of an injury, which worsens exponentially when the situation involves children or babies. Undoubtedly, distracted driving must be taken very seriously. If we are able to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving, then we can make our roads much safer.
It is more than a little worrying to know that a large number of drivers in your immediate neighborhood send text messages while driving. Even those we consider as safe drivers. Of course, distracted driving does not end with the use of smartphones. There are many other ways to lose sight of the road.
Types of Distracted Driving
Generally speaking, there are three types of distracted driving:Manual distractions: use of cell phones, makeup, meals, basically anything that requires you to take your hands off the wheel while driving.
Visual distractions: any object outside your vehicle that takes your eyes off the road, such as a car accident or a sale in a supermarket.
Cognitive distractions: whatever moves you out of the way, be it emotions, wandering thoughts or stress from other areas of your life. you can get a private car service in London here airport transfer London
According to the California DMV, 65% of all nearby accidents occur due to some kind of distraction. Of course, that is just to assume that you are lucky enough to reach the time to stop. Any distracted driver can find himself crashing at full speed in the back of the car in front of them. Car accidents only go from bad to worse. If you are lucky, then both parties remain unharmed and leave with only property damage and legal fees. This does not even consider the possibility of an injury, which worsens exponentially when the situation involves children or babies. Undoubtedly, distracted driving must be taken very seriously. If we are able to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving, then we can make our roads much safer.
According to the Tampa Bay Times, approximately 40,000 drivers residing in Florida are being distracted by technology at any given time. Therefore, Florida is one of the many states that has enacted a ban on texting while driving. However, many law enforcement officials say the problem is so widespread that it has become unenforceable. Obviously, bans throughout the state for distracted driving are only half the battle.
Teenagers: peer pressure is an extremely powerful tool and teenagers are the ones who best handle this weapon. Teenagers can easily make ripples by asking their friends to sign a commitment against distracted driving or by participating in the local chapter of students against destructive decisions. Teenagers may even want to consider sharing messages on social networks to remind their friends and family of the dangers of distracted driving. Parents: teenagers can have a lot of power over their own age group. But, parents are also another group of socially strong influencers. Parents should lead by example and never participate in distracted driving. They should talk with their children about distracted driving, as well as the responsibilities of driving on the road. For teenagers, parents should remind their children that violating distracted driving laws could lead to a delayed or suspended license. Employers and Educators: This group can also play an important role in stopping distracted driving. Educators should ask their students to commit to taking a stand against distracted driving, while employers can set policies for the entire company that prohibit text messages while they are driving.
Sleep deprivation: If you are too sleepy to drive, make the decision to withdraw from the road. Studies show that more than a third of US drivers have fallen asleep behind the wheel before. If you are tired, find a safe place and take a quick nap.
Do not eat and drive at the same time: you may be in a hurry one morning and have breakfast in your car on the way to work or school. This may seem like a time saver. but, in reality, it is very dangerous for you and those around you. Food spills are often the main culprits of serious distractions while driving.
Limit the level of activity in the car: this applies especially to younger and less experienced age groups. Many states prohibit teenage drivers from having too many passengers in the car. Driving with friends can be a dangerous distraction for younger vehicle operators, as novice drivers are more focused on their friends than on the road.
Who can help stop distracted driving?
Truth be told, anyone can join a cause of distracted driving. That said, it does not mean that there are no key players when it comes to stopping distracted driving. According to the Centers for Disease Control, nine people die and 1,000 are injured from distracted driving every day. To help end this epidemic, everyone must do their part. But, here are some key players that need to be more involved:Teenagers: peer pressure is an extremely powerful tool and teenagers are the ones who best handle this weapon. Teenagers can easily make ripples by asking their friends to sign a commitment against distracted driving or by participating in the local chapter of students against destructive decisions. Teenagers may even want to consider sharing messages on social networks to remind their friends and family of the dangers of distracted driving. Parents: teenagers can have a lot of power over their own age group. But, parents are also another group of socially strong influencers. Parents should lead by example and never participate in distracted driving. They should talk with their children about distracted driving, as well as the responsibilities of driving on the road. For teenagers, parents should remind their children that violating distracted driving laws could lead to a delayed or suspended license. Employers and Educators: This group can also play an important role in stopping distracted driving. Educators should ask their students to commit to taking a stand against distracted driving, while employers can set policies for the entire company that prohibit text messages while they are driving.
Safe Driving Tips
Almost everyone is guilty of some kind of distracted driving, whether they realize it or not. That said, here are some tips to reduce the chances of distracted driving while traveling: Cell phone use: when driving, you should only use a cell phone in case of emergencies. Even so, it is better to stop at the outer edge of the road to make a call. Having a hands-free device helps. However, you can still lose important visual and audio tracks while traveling. The use of the cell phone for social purposes should be avoided at all costs.Sleep deprivation: If you are too sleepy to drive, make the decision to withdraw from the road. Studies show that more than a third of US drivers have fallen asleep behind the wheel before. If you are tired, find a safe place and take a quick nap.
Do not eat and drive at the same time: you may be in a hurry one morning and have breakfast in your car on the way to work or school. This may seem like a time saver. but, in reality, it is very dangerous for you and those around you. Food spills are often the main culprits of serious distractions while driving.
Limit the level of activity in the car: this applies especially to younger and less experienced age groups. Many states prohibit teenage drivers from having too many passengers in the car. Driving with friends can be a dangerous distraction for younger vehicle operators, as novice drivers are more focused on their friends than on the road.
Contact Us
If you have recently been the victim of the negligence of a distracted party, consider contacting our attorneys at 855-DOLOR-55. The Ward Law Group has almost a decade of experience in handling all types of insurance. Do not leave your settlement in the hands of reputable insurance companies. They will try to minimize their compensation using any necessary means. In addition, The Ward Law Group provides legal services to clients who speak English and Spanish, so do not worry if English is not your primary language. Our lawyers will provide you with the specialized consultation you need to navigate the legal landscape of your particular case! more article https://doveq.blogspot.com/
Distracted Driving: Stay Alert While Driving!
Reviewed by ahmhasan
February 05, 2020

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